Befriending Jesus & ​Each Other ​Wherever we Are!

Have you been looking for daily Bible lessons to ​incorporate into your child’s learning, but aren’t sure ​where to begin?

Friendschool gently guides families & kids, ages 4-7 years ​old through God’s word in a meaningful and impactful ​way: through the SonLight Education Ministry curriculum!

Join our warm and enthusiastic classes from the comfort ​of your own home, or anywhere you find yourself during ​the week. Friendschool connects children everywhere!

Additionally, classes are held in English & Spanish!

Our Bible adventure begins September 3, 2024.

Bible-based, Bilingual Home Education

Our highest calling as parents is to train up our children ​in the way of the Lord, but how do we make this walk ​practical and meaningful to our children?

We believe this can be achieved by seeking Jesus ​daily!

If we take a look around, we can see there are ​countless distractions bombarding our children that ​keep them from fully connecting with Jesus.

The good news is that our children can learn to abide ​in God from a young age by spending time in His word, ​nature, work, and life experiences.

The SonLight Education Ministry curriculum provides all ​four branches of learning to enhance our children’s ​Christian walk, and Friendschool gives each family the ​opportunity to experience daily connections with Jesus ​and like-minded friends no matter where in the world ​they are.

Th​e 3 Year Plan

You Are Here Location Pointer Pin

Year 1

Throughout year 1, kids will explore all ​about trees, insects, flowers and ​butterflies.

These are not your average nature ​study/character building lessons.

The SonLight Education Ministry Curriculum ​takes families on a deep dive into God's

natural wonders with nature studies that

last 3 months in a single topic!

Year 2

Year 2, children study rocks, water, the life of birds and mammals.

Friendschoolers become experts in each

nature study area!

Week after week, they go deeper and

deeper into study and peel back layers

of God’s wonders during class and

at their own pace at home.

Year 3

Year 3, kids investigate Amphibians, ​gardening, the ocean world and ​astronomy.

In addition to nature study, weekly Bible

stories are paired with character qualities,

and each quality is revisited multiple times ​throughout the year This allows children

to live out character qualities in practical

ways so they become a habit of character.

Th​e Schedule

Classes start September 3, 2024 via Zoom!

Connect to class

wherever you are!

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Live Online!

11:00 - 11:45am PST

  • Morning Greeting
  • Bible Point & Character Study
  • Nature Nugget Hands-on Activity
  • Read aloud
  • Show and Share
  • Farewell

Happy Face Icon
Happy Face Icon
Happy Face Icon
Happy Face Icon

De​tails & Registration

How it Works

Using the SonLight Education Ministry Family Lessons ​Book, teacher Ketita teaches the Bible story, character ​trait and nature study each Tuesday. Families have the ​option of continuing the week's Bible study on the days ​live classes are not held. Come Thursday, everyone meets ​up again online to continue the week's lesson together. ​On Thursday there will always be a group activity from ​the SonLight's Children's Activity Book for everyone to do ​together during class.

Program Cost

  • $90 One-time registration fee
  • $150 monthly tuition

What's Included in the Program

  • Biweekly classes live online
  • A Friendschool T-shirt
  • A nature explorer kit
  • A heartfelt, gentle, and kind learning environment

What's Required

  • Strong internet connection
  • The Family Bible Lessons and Children's Activity ​book or pages.

Click the links below to purchase, print, or watch

a clip on how to find the correct files in the

SonLight Ministry Curriculum google drive.



Creation to ​Abraham



Rebekah to ​Manna



Water, a Battle

to Achan

September - November

Bi​ble Study

  • Creation
  • Man and Woman
  • The Sabbath
  • The First Sin
  • Cain and Abel
  • The FLood
  • After the Flood
  • Building a Tower
  • Abraham Leaves Ur
  • Helping Lot and Tithes
  • Visitors from Heaven
  • Sodom and Gomorra
  • A​braham and Isaac
Kids Reading Bible

Ch​aracter Quality

  • Orderliness
  • Helpfulness
  • Reverence
  • Self-control
  • Diligence
  • Thankfulness
  • Respectfulness
  • Self-denial
  • Giving
  • Courteousness
  • Purity
  • Fa​ith
Ways to Motivate Kids to Do Chores

Na​ture Study

  • What is a tree?
  • Kiinds of trees
  • Parts of a tree
  • how a tree grows
  • how to plant and care of for a tree
  • Bible Trees - Cypress and Cedar
  • Bible Trees - Olive
  • BIble Trees - Oaks
  • Bible Trees - Palm
  • Bible Trees - Juniper, Mulberry, Myrtle, ​Poplar, Shittah, Sycamore
  • Bible Trees - Terebinth, Walnut, Willow
  • Bible Trees - Chestnute (Pale) and Pine
Two Brown Trees

December - February

Bi​ble Study

  • Rebekah
  • Jacob and Esau
  • A Ladder to Heaven
  • Jospeh and His Brothers
  • Joseph in Prison
  • Joseph's Eleven Brothers
  • Joseph Forgives His Borthers
  • Baby Moses
  • The Burning Bush
  • Moses Trusts God
  • Ten Plagues
  • Pathway Through the Sea
  • Water and Flood
Grandpa Reading to Baby Boy from the Bible

Ch​aracter Quality

  • Courtesy
  • Truthfulness
  • Honesty
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Integrity
  • Unselfishness
  • Cheerfulness
  • Perseverance
  • Simplicity
  • Quietness
  • Obedience
  • Industry & Obedience
  • Health
Happy kid cleaning window and smiling

Na​ture Study

  • What is an Insect?
  • An Insect's Body
  • The Head of an Insect
  • The Thorax of an Insect
  • The Abdomen of an Insect
  • The Senses of Insects, I
  • The Senses of Insects, II
  • The Reproduction of an Insect
  • Helpful and Harmful Insects
  • Variety of Insects
  • The Study of Individual Insects
  • Insects are Surivors
  • Hibernation and Migration of Insects
Insect on Green Leaves

Ma​rch - May

Bi​ble Study

  • Water, a Battle and Counsel
  • God's Ten Commandments
  • Building the Sanctuary
  • God's House
  • Nadab and Abihu
  • Twelve Spies
  • Trouble inthe Camp
  • Water and Snakes
  • Balaam
  • Walking Through Water
  • Jericho
  • Achan
Sisters Reading Bible

Ch​aracter Quality

  • Trustfulness
  • Cleanliness
  • Carefulness
  • Regularity
  • Reverence
  • Honor
  • Truthfulness
  • Respectfulness
  • Perserverance
  • Integrity
  • Self-Denial
  • Obedience
  • Self-Denial
Back View of Sisters Helping in Household Chore

Na​ture Study

  • What is a Flower?
  • Where are flowers found?
  • The Four Parts of a Flower
  • Reproduction I
  • Reproduction II
  • Traveling Seeds
  • Uses of Flowers
  • Three Groups of Flowers
  • Unusual Flowers
  • Flower Families I
  • Flower Families II
  • A Flower Garden
  • Wildflowers
Field of Chamomile Flowers

Hello, I'm Teacher Ketita!

I am a certified educator with over 15 years of teaching ​experience who has fallen in love with the world of home ​learning. I believe that every parent can become their child's best ​teacher and set him on God’s schedule as they learn and grow.

Homeschooling my own children has allowed me to see first hand ​that the best early learning happens at home and at the child’s ​pace. Yet somehow, I noticed that of the various incredible ​enrichment programs we’ve come across in our homeschooling ​journey, none have a purposeful intention in growing kids’ ​relationship with Jesus through daily Bible study and character ​building. By God’s grace I came across SonLight Education ​Ministries and discovered the most complete, most impactful ​home education program for my family.

Now, I am on a mission to be a springing board for other families, ​to launch them into the wonderful experience of daily communing ​with God through His word.

I ​h​o​pe you are here to stay. You will love it here!

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